SOUND is a creative and professional community on Holmen in Copenhagen, where young musicians and artistic entrepreneurs unfold sounds and music as a driving force for societal change and a sustainable livelihood.
SOUND exists because music can change the world. It might sound grand, and it is. We're not just thinking about the change you experienced when you heard your new favorite song for the first time or when you found the perfect chord. The music we're talking about can change and immortalize its time. But it can also be unpredictable and erratic, especially when it serves as the foundation for a good livelihood. That's why SOUND exists—to expand the possibilities of how we, through music and art, can create value for people, the music scene, and society.
Music and art can make a difference—culturally, socially, and economically—when we engage with them in their contemporary context. That's the essence of SOUND: a physical place and creative community where young artistic entrepreneurs come together to compose a sustainable livelihood and bring concrete ideas and concepts to life, allowing art to change the world and the time we live in. SOUND is a three-year project created by Rytmisk Musikkonservatorium, supported by Tuborgfondet, and inspired by university startup environments. It caters to young musicians, artists, and artistic entrepreneurs, regardless of educational background. SOUND Incubator takes place twice a year, and we open the doors to the first program in February 2024, when our new premises with a waterfront view are ready.
((SOUND)) presents the following main activities
An intense program featuring workshops, counseling, and guidance from mentors, social events, and an inspiring coworking space with access to professional sound studios.
An early exploration of opportunities to build a sustainable career in sound and music. Here, you'll receive counseling and become part of a growing community.
The network aims to ensure that young artistic entrepreneurs are retained, develop their relationships, and also bridge connections to the wider society, business sector, and arts and cultural scene.
Through talks, concerts, and conversations, we discuss the potentials and opportunities for modern artistry, as well as the value and position of art and culture in society.
SOUND's advisory board encompasses a wide range of expertise, and the board continuously contributes strategic insights, knowledge, and creative ideas
Carla Cammilla Hjort
Carla Cammilla Hjort is a creative and cultural entrepreneur with a deep passion for building and nurturing communities, supporting organizational transformation, and bringing visions to life. Carla began her career as a DJ and music producer and founded her first creative studio, ArtRebels, in 2006. Since then, she has added several projects to her portfolio, such as Trailerpark Festival, Social Service Club, and SPACE10. Today, she leads a new philanthropic foundation for architecture & design called re:arc institute. Driven by her belief in creative solutions to societal challenges, Carla initiates concepts and projects and cultivates communities aimed at delivering positive change in the world.
Anders Folmer Buhelt
Anders is the Academy Director at the Academy for Social Innovation. He has previously worked on values-driven legal reforms in large parts of the world as the leader of the Danish Institute for Human Rights and on innovative social volunteering as the director of the Danish Youth Red Cross. Additionally, Anders serves as the chairman of the CFD Foundation and the Thoravej 29 Association. He also sits on the boards of Necto and Mentorbarn. Anders' perspective is: "We can do it!". Like the mice in Cinderella, he believes that we can change society and the world for the better if we stand together, work towards common goals, and dare to try new things.
Marie Højlund
Marie Højlund is a composer, sound artist, and lecturer in Sound Studies at Aarhus University. She specializes in creating site-specific art and listening experiences, whether it's sensory concerts, "sensory birthing rooms" in hospitals, sound installations in public spaces, or serving as a house composer at Aarhus Theatre. She also creates pop music under the artist name Kh Marie. Marie has previously produced and composed music for various bands including Tiger Tunes, Marybell Katastrophy, and most recently Nephew. She has recently been awarded the Carl Nielsen and Anne Marie Carl-Nielsen Honorary Grant for her multifaceted work as an artist.
Andreas Aasted Gjede
Andreas is part of the management team at the large Danish architectural firm PLH Arkitekter, where he serves as the Chief Strategy Officer. He is an experienced leader and innovator with expertise in strategy, business development, innovation, and entrepreneurship. As a former board member of Copenhagen Business School and director of Copenhagen School of Entrepreneurship, he has been deeply involved in creating and promoting the best conditions for innovation and entrepreneurship across Danish educational institutions. This journey began when he founded and led the establishment of the visionary innovation hub Station in Frederiksberg.
Jessica Petersen
Jessica Petersen is a project manager at In Futurum, where she focuses on Diversity, Inclusion, and Equity initiatives. She has been responsible for the interdisciplinary education program "Kunst og Kultur i balance" which addresses structural barriers in the arts and cultural sector through a broad partnership with other organizations. Jessica critically and interdisciplinary explores how we can tackle social and environmental challenges with a focus on global solidarity and equality. Jessica represents In Futurum on the advisory board alongside co-founder and senior advisor Moussa Mchangama.
Hyppige spørgsmål
Uanset om du deltager i SOUND Incubator eller SOUND Explore, så er tilbuddene gratis. Vi forventer dog, at du deltager aktivt i fællesskabet og sætter tid af på at arbejde videre med din idé.
SOUND er for unge, der har en idé til et projekt eller koncept, der befinder sig i spændingsfeltet mellem musik, lyd og samfundet. Vi søger projekter og mennesker, der vil udfordre status quo og sætte skub i en forandring mod det bedre. Du kan være musiker, kunstner eller kulturel iværksætter. Men din uddannelse lægger vi ikke så meget vægt på, så længe du har en idé om at gøre tingene på en ny måde.
I SOUND Explore er vores dør altid åben for en snak om dine idéer og muligheder og du finder kontaktinfo her på siden. I SOUND Incubator skal man ansøge med en idé til et projekt eller koncept, og alle idéer vurderes af en ekstern jury, som udvælger hvilke projekter, der optages. Du eller en på dit team skal være mellem 20-30 år.
Vi er på udkig efter ideer, projekter eller koncepter, der kan skabe en meningsfuld forandring for dig selv eller samfundet, som nedbryder barrierer i musiklivet eller tilbyder en ny måde at gøre tingene på. Det kan både være inden for social- eller sundhedsområdet, inden for det teknologiske felt eller noget helt fjerde.
SOUND er skabt til at fostre idéer, koncepter og projekter, der forholder sig til og gør en positiv forskel for mennesker, samfund og/eller musikliv. Vi har en bred fortolkning af det felt, så det kan også være projekter, der bringer nye ideer i spil, gør op med plejer eller ideer, der er værdifulde alene fordi de er nye og innovative.
Vi tilrettelægger SOUND Incubator, så der er tid til at passe en uddannelse eller et arbejde samtidig. Vi håber dog, at du har lyst til at bruge tid sammen med os og få de gode idéer ud at flyve samtidig med, at du lærer nye mennesker at kende.
Med SOUND ønsker vi at sætte gang i en bevægelse, hvor musikere og kunstnere, der arbejder med lyd, bruger deres kreative og kunstneriske faglighed i nogle helt nye sammenhænge og derigennem skaber et ekstra spor i deres karriere. Derfor vil de nævnte eksempler umiddelbart ligge udenfor vores formål. Men hiv fat i os, hvis du er i tvivl.
Så er du altid velkommen til at kontakte Mads, der er daglig leder af SOUND, på mads@soundsound.dk